On Wednesday I hosted my first Insta-meet at Starre Corner. It was quite a spontaneous affair, only announcing it a few weeks before the actual event. I’m often asked Instagram related questions and am also often told by people that they’d love to visit Starre Corner so I thought why not combine the two; invite people to Starre Corner to talk all things Instagram.
Possibly because of my corporate background I assumed that the majority of attendees would be small businesses wanting to gain more sales from Instagram or individuals looking to monetise social media but I was wrong. Booked onto the insta-meet was an eclectic mix of individuals ranging from an Instagram virgin to several local businesses. I was surprised to learn exactly what people used Instagram for. It’s probably fair to say that the group was split 50/50 where half the group used it for escapism, inspiration, friendships and general interest whilst the other half hoped to monetise Instagram in some way whether as an influencer, generating direct product sales or driving traffic to an online or bricks and mortar shop or venue. It was a great mix to get the conversation flowing.
It was encouraging to see that everyone shared a positive view of Instagram. Yes the algorithm can be frustrating and trolls occasionally rear their ugly heads but on the whole everyone found Instagram a friendly and positive environment to hang around in.
The idea of the Insta-meet was to let conversation flow freely without a set agenda, letting the conversation delve deeper when everyone shared an interest. It worked well. I did however want to get two points firmly across – stay focussed and remain consistent! (obviously only applicable when attempting to increase followers and Instagram account awareness. Essential if those are your main objectives) For example @Louisaatstarrecorner is about life at Starre Corner and therefore no matter how exciting my life is outside of Starre Corner it’s best not to visually show this on my feed. Not even if I am in a bikini in the Bahamas. These kind of images are best shared on Instagram stories (if at all). When I started to take Instagram seriously this was the first piece of advice someone shared and it’s made the biggest impact on my success story to date.
Any fears of stilted conversations were soon allayed. The morning was buzzing and flew by leaving us all wanting more. Everyone went away feeling motivated and on a high and feedback has been incredible:
‘An utterly wonderful day Louisa’
‘Yesterday was the perfect way to spend weekend……..I set off on a triumphantly picturesque journey to Norfolk for the insta-meet hosted by the delightful @louisaatstarrecorner and her wonderful husband @ovencleanersnorfolk. It was a pleasure to be amongst likeminded IG enthused talents in the beautiful surroundings of Starre Corner. Love every moment shared’
‘Over the border to North Norfolk today to visit the home of @louisaatstarrecorner and her husband @sugdenanddaughters. Their cottage is an insta dream. Lovely to meet lots of like minded interior addicts’
This first event has left me feeling upbeat, positive and enthusiastic about future events here at Starre Corner and cannot wait for the next Starre Corner insta-meet on Wednesday 27th March.