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Starre Corner Insta-Meet Wednesday 1st May


Living in East Anglia can feel a bit out on a limb with regards to Instagram. We're far away from the glitz and glamour of a big city and lots of Instagram events are a good train journey away. I am sure you'll agree though that this doesn't make us any less interested in the inner workings of Instagram or any less keen to meet up with fellow Instagrammers.


Last year I decided to share my home through the eye of the camera on Instagram. I had a limiting belief that nobody would be interested but I was quite wrong. In such a short amount of time my followers and interactions have rapidly increased. I am on a fascinating learning curve - there is so much I've learnt and so much still to learn.


I want to establish a regular Insta Meet group here in North Norfolk. Let's put Norfolk and surrounding counties on the map! I hope to create a group which you can dip in and out of as you please; whether you want to attend just one, everyone or now and again - you'd be most welcome.


Follow the links below to find out more:


Wednesday 1st May 2019 - Insta Meet at Starre Corner


Watch out for more specific workshops coming soon: Styling for Instagram, Growing you Instagram Following....


If there is anything you would like to learn how to do at Starre Corner please do get in touch and I will see what I can arrange.

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